Sunday 27 May 2012

Top 5 things that are better at the cottage

1. Beer.  Don't get me wrong, beer is awesome anytime of the day, but there's something about a cold beer at noon while sitting on the beach, or with cheese a crackers and a game of cards at 5:00.  And yes, that is a tradition.  But really, how can you argue with this?

2. Reading.  I have a challenge now to read a book for every day I'm at the cottage.  So far my record is 10 days and 10 books.   It helps having a former bookstore owner as a personal consultant whenever I'm up there.  I've been lucky enough to read some pretty amazing books that I wouldn't have come across otherwise.  Plus reading is about the only way to make tanning seem somewhat productive.  Or burning, in my case.

3. Groceries.  I know, this seems lame.  But have you ever driven a boat into town, docked it directly outside the store, and then left all the groceries on board while you go have some frozen yogurt?  Or a beer?  It's magical.

4. Board games.  There are never enough hours in a day to play board games at the cottage.  There's just something about sitting in the sunroom at the old games' table with a beer and your best friends that makes for the perfect evening.  And it's not just board games.  It's card games, crokinole, all of those awesome things.  And of course several rounds of Settlers of Catan.

5. Sunsets.  I'll let the picture speak for itself.

I'd also like to give an honourable mention to not wearing bras (a special shout out to CF).

How long until I'm up there again!?

P.S. A special thanks to all of my friends whose facebook pages I got the pictures from.  And of course to BF who lets me visit the cottage whenever I want :)

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