Monday 9 July 2012

My Birthday Presents :)

Hey internet!  How's it hangin'?  I'm feeling particularly productive at the moment as it is my first day of my summer schedule at work, and I got home at 4:30 this afternoon!  What is this craziness?  It's like I can actually get things done during the day!  So, in celebration of my not-procrastinating-by-sitting-around-watching-TV-and-not-actually-doing-what-I'm-supposed-to-be-doing-and-instead-actually-doing-things, I thought I'd give you all a quick run down of what I got for my birthday last week.

First off, I took the week off from work and headed up to BF's cottage with my parents, which was amazing.  It was their first time there, and I think my mom would move in right now if she could.  Dad spent the whole time golfing, so I know he had fun.  For the actual long weekend, my friends from university all came up to hang out, which was great.  Honestly, I would've been happy just having everyone there for my birthday, but because my friends are so wonderful, they got me presents, too!

I feel like I should start by saying that everything kind of followed one of two themes - either related to this blog, or with my upcoming trip to LA with BF to visit our friends in September.

So, the gang from university has always gone together to get group presents for each other.  This dates back to our days in first year when we couldn't afford to buy the birthday person a beer let alone a decent present on our own.  Over the years, we've all gotten some pretty stellar present.  My personal favourite is still the GPS they got me the year I got my first car.  Everyone refused to drive with me until I had one because I have the absolute worst sense of direction in the world.  But this year, they decided to prove that yes, they DO follow my blog, and they got me some re-stock on a few items that I raved about in a previous post - the Soap and Glory Clean On Me body wash, and The Righteous Butter body butter!  I was very happy with this because I'm almost out of the body wash, and it meant I had a whole new tub of body butter to sniff while getting a slight buzz from the amazing scent.  As a bonus, they also got me the Soap and Glory Sexy Mother Pucker Lip Plumping Lipgloss in Clear.  Seriously, I cannot get over the freaking amazing names for these products! 

Soap and Glory Sexy Mother Pucker Lip Plumping Lipgloss (Clear)

Now, when this stuff says "lip plumping", it actually means "I'm gonna make your lips tingle to much you'll think you kissed a metal pole in the middle of winter".  I actually just put some on as I was typing this so that I'd have the full effect.  I'm pretty sure it doesn't so much make your lips bigger as it does make you sit there pretending to look like a duck because your lips feel so weird.  That being said, it's pretty cool stuff.  And makes for an interesting conversation after a few glasses of wine...

My friends also got me a gift card to go buy more stuff for my blog.  They know me and my shopping habits so well :).

BF's mom and dad decided to get me a present, too, this year, which was really very kind of them.  I got a text message from CF while I was sitting in class (with no internet) the weekend before my birthday.  She asked for a list of present ideas, but they had to follow very specific guidelines - it had to be makeup, had to be cottage-themed, and had to be easy for BF's dad to pick up on his own at the mall.  This turned out to be quite the challenge, as I had no idea what "cottage-themed" makeup was, and I was trying to look everything up on my iPhone in the middle of class while attempting to not draw attention to myself so I didn't get called out by the professor.

Anyway, I gave her a few suggestions, and they ended up getting me a gorgeous NARS eyeshadow duo in Eurydice that I'd been eyeing (haha, get it?) for months, as well as a Sephora Classic Angled Brush that I needed...well, okay, maybe not needed, but definitely wanted.

NARS Eyeshadow Duo in Eurydice (how gorgeous is that purple?)

Sephora Classic Angled Brush

And last, but certainly not least, my parents got me a very cool book called "642 Things To Write About".  I've really been trying to get back into writing, it's something I've not done since high school.  So, I saw this book and immediately thought it would make a great subject for another blog!  I've actually written one entry for it already, feel free to check it out:  My goal was to write one entry for it a day, but until I finish my last school assignment for the semester, that is definitely not going to happen.  But soon!

But my big present from my parents was...surfing lessons while I'm in LA!  I've been talking about learning to surf for the last decade, at least.  I'm not sure what it is, maybe my only real connection to my Californian birth, or maybe it's an unhealthy obsession with Gidget (it's true, I have a thing for Moondoggie).  But either way, I'm so excited that I'll finally get to cross this off of my bucket list!  Now I just have to spend the next 2 months practicing swimming so I don't drown in the Pacific Ocean.

So that was my birthday rundown!  Big thanks to all of my wonderful friends and family who made it such a great day.  I wish everyday was my birthday!  And really, it's not just because of the presents...

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