Thursday 28 June 2012

Reading At The Cottage

Well, it's Thursday night, and I'm now up at the cottage. We were supposed to be taking a sunset cruise after dinner, but as we didn't even start dinner until 8:00, that kind of went out the window. So here it is, 10:30 and I'm just sitting down to write my daily blog. I have also just been informed that it's "reading time" (although I honestly don't know when isn't reading time up here), so I thought I'd let you know what everyone is reading currently, and then give some options of what I might read while up here, and you can all let me know what you think I should start. So first off, my dad and BF's dad aren't actually reading. They've had a few glasses (bottles) of wine, and are currently roaming the cottage discussing wood frame construction and beam placement. I've chosen to ignore that discussion. My mom is sitting on the chaise part of the couch, and she's just cracked open "Still Life" by Louise Penny. I've never heard of it, but it was recommended as a mystery by CF. I just googled it, apparently it's the first in a series of mystery books. I don't know, not the type of thing I usually read, but we'll see how she likes it. CF is reading a book on Italian gardens, in preparation for their upcoming trip to Italy. And, unfortunately, my dad has sat down next to her and is grilling her on a "monster garden". I'm really hoping he gets into his own book soon, so she can enjoy her reading. I've just been informed of the two book choices I have to get into. CF always recommends books for me to read while at the cottage, and she has yet to steer me wrong, so I'm going to continue to trust her judgement. At the moment, I can either choose: White Rose Rebel by Janet Paisley - I've been told that this is not a high-quality literature book, but that it's entertaining. We'll see how much cerebral effort I'm wanting to put in to reading this weekend. Or, Stray Love by Kyo Maclear - This was the original recommendation from CF, and is probably a much more literarily-rewarding read. I don't know if "literarily" it a word, but if not, I'm making it into one. Oh, and JF is now completing the sudoku in Tuesday's National Post. He wanted me to share that. So, what should I read? Does anyone have any suggestions on must-read books that I may not have already tried?

Wednesday 27 June 2012

My Cottage Makeup Routine

Well, I'm now four days into my official vacation, and as of tomorrow morning, I'm off to the cottage for the remainder of my days off.  So, as I'm currently re-packing and re-organizing my makeup bag, I thought I'd give you all a quick run-down of what products make the cut for being shipped off to the cottage, and why they rate getting hauled up there.

1. Smashbox Camera Ready BB Cream with SPF 35 (Fair)

This is a must-have product for me for many reasons.  First, it acts as a moisturizer, primer and "foundation" all in one.  Second, it gives surprisingly good coverage for a BB cream.  And third, it has SPF 35, which means I don't have to bring a second sunscreen for my face.  The Smashbox BB Cream has a pretty thick consistency, but it blends quite well once you get it on the skin.  It also is the closest match to my skin tone of probably any face makeup product I currently own.  Only downside - it's kind of expensive at $50/1oz.  I, personally, think it's worth it though.  It's not something I use everyday, but it's perfect for things like the cottage, or to blend in with my heavier foundations for a lighter coverage.

Smashbox Camera Ready BB Cream with SPF 35 in Fair, $50/1oz

2. NARS Highlighting/Bronzing Blush Duo in Orgasm/Laguna

I use Laguna bronzer everday as a contour shade, so I knew this product absolutely had to come with me to the cottage.  The Highlighting/Bronzing Blush Duo was actually the first NARS product I ever purchased and it was a great investment.  The Orgasm blush is gorgeous and is a perfect everyday shade for a no-makeup makup look.  Plus the bronzer is great for darkening up my complexion a bit once I start getting a tan.  And having both products together makes for a nice, easy-to-pack compact for my minimized makeup bag.

NARS Highlighting/Bronzing Blush Duo in Orgasm/Laguna, $50/0.35oz

3. Bourjois Volumizer mascara

This is the mascara I wear most days, and I really like that you can build it up for a more dramatic effect.  The packaging is pretty cool - it has one wand, but you can open it a different places to dispense more or less product, depending on what look you're going for.  I use the light coverage portion to separate my upper lashes, and to define my lower lashes.  Then I use the heavier application to go over the top lashes for added volume.  Great for the cottage, where mascara is pretty much all I wear on my eyes.

Bourjois Volumizer mascara, $20

4. Blistex Daily Conditioning Treatment with SPF 20

I put this stuff on at every opportunity because why mess with what works!  Blistex has been around for pretty much forever and I have yet to find anything better for a basic lip balm.  And this one has SPF 20, so it is on my lips at all times while I'm outside.  Plus, it's dirt cheap and one pot will last forever.  Everyone should have one of these floating around!

Blistex Daily Conditioning Treatment, sorry, not sure about the price :(

And that is all I plan on taking to the cottage!  Well, aside from an oil-free high-SPF sunscreen.  Now I just have to remember to actually put it on...

Tuesday 26 June 2012

My Top 5 Things I Wish I Could Do, But Can't

I'd say that for the most part, I'm a well-rounded person.  I can maintain a decent conversation, I'm (fairly) intelligent, and I can hold my own at most video games.  But there are a few things I wish I was better at, and that unfortunately I'll probably never be able to do.

5. Anything sports related.

I realize this is a pretty broad category, but I am the least athletically-inclined person on the face of the earth.  I spent my entire childhood dancing - ballet, jazz, tap, you name it, I've probably done it.  But you add a ball or a bat to the equation, and I'm completely hopeless.  My elementary school gym teacher nicknamed me the "ball magnet", which got really awkward when I hit my teenage years.  I don't even know how many pairs of glasses I've bent from getting hit in the face.  Dodgeball was the bane of my existence.  Track and field day?  Worst day of the year.  I was always the last person picked for every sport in gym class.

Even now, when actual organized sporting events are few and far between in my life, my lack of athletic prowess manifests itself in other ways.  Going to the gym?  I have fallen off the end of several treadmills.  Bicycles and I definitely do not get along, and the last time I was on roller blades, I ended up with road rash so bad I couldn't sit for a week!  I really hope lack of coordination isn't genetic, or my poor children will be hopeless!

4. Whistle.

I actually used to be able to whistle when I was a kid.  My dad is an expert whistler, and I thought I'd followed in his footsteps.  But then I started playing the flute in seventh grade and I don't know what happened, but I just stopped being able to whistle.  My theory is that playing the flute developed a different set of muscles or something.  Who knows.  All I know is that I'll never be able to whistle along with the Andy Griffith's Show theme song...sigh!

3. Touch my nose with my tongue.

When I was a kid, my best friend could do this, and I always thought it was so cool.  Not sure why...when I think about it now, it's kind of gross.  I think it's one of those things you're either born being able to do, or not.  So I guess I'll never know what the end of my nose tastes like.

2. Go 24 hours without hurting myself.

Along with being the most uncoordinated person alive, I'm also the most accident prone.  I frequently walk into doorframes, bang my head on pretty much anything even remotely at eye level, and trip over my own two feet.  My friends just shake their heads and sigh when they hear me yelp from the next room, it's to be expected at this point.  Most of the time I end up covered in bruises with no idea of where they came from.  Except for the massive one I have on my thigh currently - that came from hitting my leg on the handle on my kitchen cupboard while walking in the dark.  I think yellow-tinged polka dots is a good look for me!

1. Reach things on the top shelf.

I'm short, I came to accept this long ago.  Well, actually, I'm not short, I'm fairly average.  I just happen to have freakishly tall friends, who like to stick things in places I can't reach.  Unless I plan on walking around in stilettos constantly, or bring a step-ladder everywhere I go, I'll just have to continue annoying my friends to get them to reach things for me.  I've also gotten quite proficient in climbing on counters, although this doesn't really work so well with my clumsiness.  And yes, I have fallen off of the counter on more than one occasion.  But I got down the muffin tin first!

Monday 25 June 2012

As if I didn't have enough nail polish already...

Happy Vacation Day 2, everyone!  I, unfortunately, am not feeling the best at the moment - of course, as soon as I go on vacation, I get sick.  So here's a short post I wrote a while back and didn't get around to posting.  I'll try and have something more interesting for you all the meantime, try and amuse yourself with this :)

For the past few months, I've been searching EVERYWHERE for Essie Mint Candy Apple nail polish.  I know, it's been out forever, but nowhere near where I live was carrying it in the regular collection.  But then, miracle of miracles, I found it!  I know, everyone is giving a big sigh of relief right now.  It was a fairly dramatic experience.  And then, because I can't just buy one nail polish, I got two more.  All three are Essie, two from the regular collection (Mint Candy Apple and Pansy) and one from the Spring collection (Camera).

From Left: Mint Candy Apple, Camera, Pansy

I tried Camera today on my nails and I really like the colour.  It's a bright coral colour and I like the gel formula.  It's kind of sheer - it took 3 coats to get total coverage - and it's not very glossy when it dries.  But a top coat, which I always use anyways, made up for that.  I'll be interested to see how the other two shades apply.

Essie Camera and OPI Wing It! (ring finger)

Sunday 24 June 2012

WIN! Soap and Glory Products

Long time, no see, internet!  My apologies for the length of time since my last post...I've been rather busy with this annoying thing called school that takes me away from my "real" life.  And by real life, I mean this virtual reality that I normally exist in.

Luckily, I've just start a whole 9 days of vacation, and to make up for the last several weeks, I've decided to blog everyday while I have the time.  In celebration, I'm starting a new feature, WIN!  These posts will be about products that I love in every way, and that you should immediately run out and buy.  Because I know you all take my advice on everything.  I'm planning on also including FAIL product reviews for things that I really really dislike, which probably won't be too many things, as I tend not to purchase products that I haven't researched.  But you never know, I've been known to make a mistake or two from time to time.

Today's WIN! post is actually about two products (two for the price of one! don't you feel special?) that are pretty famous and have been around for a while, but I have only just discovered.  I know, I'm a little slow on the uptake.  The first is Soap and Glory The Righteous Butter, which is a fantabulous body butter, available at Shopper's Drug Mart.  It sells for $18.00/300mL, which is more product than the Body Shop body butter that I had been using for the past decade,for pretty much the same price.  This is a heavy-duty moisturizer that is supposed to be applied after showering for creamy skin.  I have used it like this, and it performs as promised.  However, I typically apply it at night to my elbows and knees (and legs if I happened to have shaved them that day).  It's super moisturizing and absorbs pretty quickly.  But the big selling point for this one is the smell.  If you've ever smelled Soap and Glory's Original Pink scent, you'll know why this body butter is so fantastic.  When I first bought this, I seriously sat there with my nose in the tub, just inhaling it for several minutes.  Luckily, I was alone at the time or my roommate may have had me committed...  Anyways, for the price and amount of product, this is definitely a must-purchase item!

Soap and Glory The Righteous Butter, $18.00/300mL

Product #2 is another Soap and Glory product, and actually the first thing I bought from this line.  I've used it everyday since.  It is Soap and Glory Clean On Me Creamy Clarifying Shower Gel, $14.00/480mL at Shopper's Drug Mart.  Again, this has that amazing smell...I think all of my clothing and bedding smells like Original Pink from all of the products I use with this scent.  It's lightly moisturizing, which is great for my skin type, and gets nicely foamy on my loofah.  Perfect for soap mohawks, should you be so inclined.

Soap and Glory Clean On Me Clarifying Shower Gel, $14.00/480mL

And have I mentioned how great the product names are?  And the nostalgic '50s packaging is super cute.  Makes me want to wear a dress, curl my hair and have people refer to me as Mrs. Cleaver.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

My Top 5 Favourite Board Games!

Alright, I'm going to reveal a bit of my true nature here, and geek out on you guys for a few minutes.  My family has always been pretty big into board games, and lucky for me, I've managed to find a group of friends who share my love of games.  I currently have a standing date on Wednesday nights with my roommate and two of our friends for several hours of wine and board games.  It's pretty much my favourite night of the week.  So without further ado, here's my list of my top 5 favourite games!

5. Scrabble - I know, this isn't a particularly exciting game for some people (my roommate flat out refuses to play it), but it's kind of sentimental to me.  When my parents first got married, Scrabble was one of, if not the, first game they bought together.  My dad being the sore loser that he is, tried to insist that "correctly" was spelled with a "k" instead of a "c".  Of course my mom refused to allow that, and for their first Christmas together, she bought him a dictionary and inscribed on the front cover, "so that now we can both spell KORRECTLY".  That was the dictionary I grew up using, so the game has always brought a smile to my face with the memory.  Even still, I can almost be guaranteed to play a game or two with my mom every time I visit home, as my dad has long since given up attempting to beat her at the game.

the same version of Scrabble my parents' bought, from the 1970's

4. Clue - Miss Scarlet, with the wrench, in the billiards room!  Another classic board game, I remember many rounds of Clue Jr. as a kid, with the secret spy magnifying glass, and then graduating to the original Clue as I got older.  I even had the Clue Museum Caper version that I got for Christmas one year.  I recently played the updated version of Clue, which now has bombs and a whole bunch of other crazy stuff.  I think I'm still partial to the old-school version, though.  And have I mentioned that they made a movie out of this game?  It's amazing, probably one of my top 10 favourites.  Hard to go wrong with a Tim Curry cult classic!  If you haven't seen it, it's on it immediately!

No wonder I was always Miss Scarlet!  She was totally the coolest.

3. Pandemic - This is a fairly new discovery, but it's such a cool game.  In Pandemic, you actually work as a team against the board to try and stop the world from ending.  If you've seen the movie Contagion, it's basically the board game version of that.  What I like about it, is that it's a completely different strategy than most other games since you can work with the other players towards a common goal.  Either everyone wins or everyone loses, and let me tell you, it's not easy to win!  We've been playing for several months, and we're still playing the "easy" version.  It took MANY attempts to beat this thing for the first time, but it's just so much fun to try!  I've never been more determined to stop the zombie apocalypse!

Hey look, Toronto made the board!

2. Munchkin - While not strictly a board game, it does have a board game version.  Plus this game is just too awesome to not include.  Munchkin is actually a card game where you become a character and use special weapons and spells and stuff to defeat monsters.  Yes it is as geeky as it sounds.  But come on, who wouldn't want to be a Level 12 Elf with the Boots of Butt-kicking, an Eleven Foot Pole and the Kneepads of Allure fighting a Level 20 Plutonium Dragon?!  Just so freaking cool.  I've played most of the versions of this game - pirate, zombie, space, spy, super hero, board game version, and the original, with expansions - and really, they just keep getting better.  Whoever Steve Jackson is who came up with this game, he has a pretty great sense of humour.  I kinda wish I was friends with him...

I present thee with the cheese grater of peace!

1. Settlers of Catan - Ah, Catan, if I could count the number of hours I've spent playing this game...well, I'd probably get really depressed and wonder what I'm doing with my life, so we're just not going to go there.  For those of you who have never heard of or played this game - you obviously don't know me personally, because no doubt you'd have been exposed to it already.  Catan is an exploration game where you settle an island and build cities to get points.  There are a few expansions for it, the best of which is Cities and Knights.  We honestly own every version of this in existence, as far as I know - all the expansions, the extra expansions for more players, even the travel version.  We have the regular game, and a separate one for the cottage, that's how often we play it.  I just don't think I can explain how addicting this game is.  If you ever get a chance, I highly suggest checking this out, although if you play with my friends, we can get a little cutthroat.  There, that's fair warning.  Now let the trade embargoes begin!

I specifically bought my dining room table to optimize our Catan playing experience.

Well, that's it for my Top 5 for this week!  I hope you enjoyed it!  I'm now going to go open a bottle of wine to psych myself up for my games night.  To the defender of Catan!

Monday 4 June 2012


I subscribed to GLOSSYBOX about a month and a half ago, and I've been (not so) patiently awaiting my first month's box to show up in the mail for the past 4 weeks.  I had read the reviews saying that the boxes almost always shipped right at the end of the month, but I couldn't help but hope that this month it might show up a little bit earlier.  Alas, here it is, June 4th, and I just picked up my May box from the mail.  I don't think I've ever been so excited to get a polka-dotted box!  Then again, I've probably never received a polka-dotted box in the mail before.

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, GLOSSYBOX is a monthly subscription service that send out 5 sample (and occasionally full-size) products from high-end makeup/skincare/fragrance, etc. brands for $15/month.  I originally signed up for this service as a way to curb my beauty product spending.  I figured that $15 for 5 products was a pretty stellar bargain, as opposed to spending many times more than that on random products I picked up at Sephora or Shoppers Drug Mart.  (Unfortunately, it's done nothing to mollify my MAC obsession...)

The first thing I noticed about my GLOSSYBOX was how pretty it is!  I know, that seems strange, it's just a little box, but really, it's just adorable!  The outer packaging even had their polka-dot logo all over it, and the iconic blush pink box that holds the actual products is quite lovely.  I plan on keeping quite a collection of these to store my jewelry, makeup, etc.  And then the black tissue with a pink bow - how can you not get excited opening this?!

Alright, enough about the packaging, on to the good stuff!  Here's what I got in my GLOSSYBOX, including the description on the card that came in the box.

Curel Foot Cream - Significantly improve the look and feel of even the driest heels and feet with Curel Foot Therapy Cream- hydrates and softens dry, cracked feet in just 2 nights.  100mL/$3.99

This doesn't say it's a full size product, but it's a 100mL container, and if that is the sample size, it's the biggest sample I've ever seen!

Simple Eye Makeup Remover - Simple Eye Makeup Remover effectively removes even waterproof mascara.  Dermatologist tested, Opthamologist tested, Safe for sensitive eyes, contact lens users, hypoallergenic, noncomedogenic.  56mL/$9.99

I'm very excited to try this product.  I actually ran out of my usual eye makeup remover last night, so this was perfect timing!  Plus the fact that it's safe for contacts and hypoallergenic is a bonus, as I do wear contacts occasionally, and I tend to have sensitive skin.

Simple Facial Wash Gel - Simple Refreshing Facial Wash Gel leaves your skin thoroughly cleased and revived, is a perfect blend of our purest skin-loving ingredients.  50mL/$9.99

The second product from the Simple brand (which I'm not familiar with), I'll give this one a try although I'm usually wary of changing up my facial cleanser due to the tendency I have to break out from these products.  I'm hoping the "sensitive skin" aspect will work for me - I guess we'll find out!  If nothing else, it's a great size for travelling!

Pandora's MakeUp Box Lip Gloss OR Lipstick - Pandora's Lip Glosses and Lipsticks are exceptionally formulated to apply with a creamy, non-sticky, hint of spearmint scent or vanilla.  Full Size!  each/$16.00

I think I was most excited for this product when I opened the box as I am a bit of a makeup junkie (if you didn't already know).  I immediately loved the packaging on this one (it has a rhinestone on the lid!).  I received the lip gloss in Feeling Good, and it's a really beautiful bright pinky-red - definitely something I would have picked for myself.  I actually swatched it immediately and then tried it on, so I'll include some pictures.

First impressions - I was slightly skeptical as the gloss appeared a little gooey when I opened the tube, but it applied very smoothly and wasn't sticky at all!  And it has pretty good colour payoff.  The best part is the smell!  Oh my gosh, I could eat this stuff, it smells so good!  My gloss is definitely the spearmint scent they mention in the description, and to me it smells just like Lush's Mint Julips lip scrub (for those of you who may not know what that is, it smells like a polar bear shooter - which you should try if you haven't).  Another bonus - it's made in Canada!  Then again, that might only be exciting for me...

Okay, last product.

Sebastian Professional Volupt Shampoo - Pump up the volume with Volupt shampoo from Sebastian Professional.  We wanted to give you this full size because you deserve it.  250mL of Volupt suds all for you.  Full size!  250mL/$15.78

Well thanks, GLOSSYBOX, I think I'm worth it, too!  Especially since I'm almost out of my current shampoo, and this saves me a trip to the drug store!  Hopefully it makes good on it's "volumizing" claim.  Anything that gives me big hair is great in my books!

Well, that was an incredibly long post, but hopefully you enjoyed it!  I know I enjoyed receiving my I just have to wait a WHOLE MONTH for the next one!  Self restraint has never been one of my strengths...