Thursday 28 June 2012

Reading At The Cottage

Well, it's Thursday night, and I'm now up at the cottage. We were supposed to be taking a sunset cruise after dinner, but as we didn't even start dinner until 8:00, that kind of went out the window. So here it is, 10:30 and I'm just sitting down to write my daily blog. I have also just been informed that it's "reading time" (although I honestly don't know when isn't reading time up here), so I thought I'd let you know what everyone is reading currently, and then give some options of what I might read while up here, and you can all let me know what you think I should start. So first off, my dad and BF's dad aren't actually reading. They've had a few glasses (bottles) of wine, and are currently roaming the cottage discussing wood frame construction and beam placement. I've chosen to ignore that discussion. My mom is sitting on the chaise part of the couch, and she's just cracked open "Still Life" by Louise Penny. I've never heard of it, but it was recommended as a mystery by CF. I just googled it, apparently it's the first in a series of mystery books. I don't know, not the type of thing I usually read, but we'll see how she likes it. CF is reading a book on Italian gardens, in preparation for their upcoming trip to Italy. And, unfortunately, my dad has sat down next to her and is grilling her on a "monster garden". I'm really hoping he gets into his own book soon, so she can enjoy her reading. I've just been informed of the two book choices I have to get into. CF always recommends books for me to read while at the cottage, and she has yet to steer me wrong, so I'm going to continue to trust her judgement. At the moment, I can either choose: White Rose Rebel by Janet Paisley - I've been told that this is not a high-quality literature book, but that it's entertaining. We'll see how much cerebral effort I'm wanting to put in to reading this weekend. Or, Stray Love by Kyo Maclear - This was the original recommendation from CF, and is probably a much more literarily-rewarding read. I don't know if "literarily" it a word, but if not, I'm making it into one. Oh, and JF is now completing the sudoku in Tuesday's National Post. He wanted me to share that. So, what should I read? Does anyone have any suggestions on must-read books that I may not have already tried?

1 comment:

  1. What if your dad decides to read your blogs?
    I think you should get a head start on About Behaviourism by B.F. Skinner ;) Or what about ABA by Cooper, Heron, & Heward? :P
