Sunday 24 June 2012

WIN! Soap and Glory Products

Long time, no see, internet!  My apologies for the length of time since my last post...I've been rather busy with this annoying thing called school that takes me away from my "real" life.  And by real life, I mean this virtual reality that I normally exist in.

Luckily, I've just start a whole 9 days of vacation, and to make up for the last several weeks, I've decided to blog everyday while I have the time.  In celebration, I'm starting a new feature, WIN!  These posts will be about products that I love in every way, and that you should immediately run out and buy.  Because I know you all take my advice on everything.  I'm planning on also including FAIL product reviews for things that I really really dislike, which probably won't be too many things, as I tend not to purchase products that I haven't researched.  But you never know, I've been known to make a mistake or two from time to time.

Today's WIN! post is actually about two products (two for the price of one! don't you feel special?) that are pretty famous and have been around for a while, but I have only just discovered.  I know, I'm a little slow on the uptake.  The first is Soap and Glory The Righteous Butter, which is a fantabulous body butter, available at Shopper's Drug Mart.  It sells for $18.00/300mL, which is more product than the Body Shop body butter that I had been using for the past decade,for pretty much the same price.  This is a heavy-duty moisturizer that is supposed to be applied after showering for creamy skin.  I have used it like this, and it performs as promised.  However, I typically apply it at night to my elbows and knees (and legs if I happened to have shaved them that day).  It's super moisturizing and absorbs pretty quickly.  But the big selling point for this one is the smell.  If you've ever smelled Soap and Glory's Original Pink scent, you'll know why this body butter is so fantastic.  When I first bought this, I seriously sat there with my nose in the tub, just inhaling it for several minutes.  Luckily, I was alone at the time or my roommate may have had me committed...  Anyways, for the price and amount of product, this is definitely a must-purchase item!

Soap and Glory The Righteous Butter, $18.00/300mL

Product #2 is another Soap and Glory product, and actually the first thing I bought from this line.  I've used it everyday since.  It is Soap and Glory Clean On Me Creamy Clarifying Shower Gel, $14.00/480mL at Shopper's Drug Mart.  Again, this has that amazing smell...I think all of my clothing and bedding smells like Original Pink from all of the products I use with this scent.  It's lightly moisturizing, which is great for my skin type, and gets nicely foamy on my loofah.  Perfect for soap mohawks, should you be so inclined.

Soap and Glory Clean On Me Clarifying Shower Gel, $14.00/480mL

And have I mentioned how great the product names are?  And the nostalgic '50s packaging is super cute.  Makes me want to wear a dress, curl my hair and have people refer to me as Mrs. Cleaver.

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